The Sacrament of Reconciliation II


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Catechesis for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (for parents)


Catechesis of children for Reconciliation seeks to:
Make clear the relationship of the sacrament to the child's life.
Help the child recognize moral food and evil, repent of wrongdoing and turn for forgiveness to Christ and the Church.
Teach the child that in this sacrament we grow in grace, which means we share more deeply in God's own life. In other words, we grow in our friendship with Jesus and we become more like Him.
Encourage the child to that in this sacrament - faith is expressed by being forgiven and forgiving.
Encourage the child to approach the sacrament freely and regularly.

Parents need to be involved in the preparation of the children for this sacrament.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a meeting with Christ to obtain forgiveness of sin and an increase in the life of grace, or a rekindling of the life of grace if it has been lost through mortal sin. This sacrament can be received whenever we are sorry for having sinned, which means we are sorry for not loving God and others as we should. While only mortal sins must be confessed, it is helpful to confess lesser sins, known as venial sins too. This sacrament, like all the sacraments, give us grace to be more like Jesus.
Experiencing temptation in not a sin; giving into it is a sin.
Sin is choosing to say no to God. It offends him and hurts ourselves and others.
It is helpgul to think about why we committed our sins.
Our lesser sins (venial sins) are forgiven whenever we make an act of love towards God, like going to Mass or asking for God's mercy.
Even if we have only venial sins to confess, it is very good to go to Confession because not only do we receive God's mercy, but we grow in the life of grace.

How can you help your child?

It will be worthwhile to follow the suggestions given. Your time and your interest will be the greatest help to your child.


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