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老师会告诉家长这几个月学些什么东西,小朋友掌握了些什么,要加强些什么,针对这个小朋友个人表现的肯定和希望。挺有意思的。摘抄一些Grace 2005年十二月到2006年三月学了些什么。
The following overview is a summary of the goal areas and curriculum content covered during the second term of Kindergarten. Integrated theme studies provide focus for learning experiences and are intended to foster each child's development in meeting the goals of the Primary Program.
Themes Explored in the Second Term:
Shapes Dr. Seuss Nursery Rhymes
Vanlentine's Day & Friendship Chinese New Year
One Hundred Days of Kindergarten
Intellectual Development
Language Arts
A variety of literature and print materials are used in the classroom to promote early reading skills and to develop a positive attitude towards reading.
1. Reading
Students have been working towards:
- recognition of upper case ("big") and lower case ("small") letters
-identifying familliar words, such as friends' names or place names (e.g. "gym" and "library" in our mystery message)
-development of vocabulary through literature and theme studies
-making predictions and accessing prior knowledge (making connections with books)
-matching and rebuilding text of poems in the pocket chart and identifying rhyming words
-reading with a buddy for a sustained period of time
-participation in the Home Reading program to provide daily contact with books
In the second term, we have continued to focus on developing the fine motor control necessary to form letters and numbers correctly. Students have been encouraged to:
-print names correctly: beginning the name with a capital letter and the rest in lower case letters
-combine drawing with "writing" and begin to use some letters to represent words and ideas
-demonstrate a willingness to expreiment with writing
3.Speaking and Listening
Students are encouraged to:
-actively participate in classroom language activities (e.g., songs,chants, story telling, creating lists)
-use eye contact when speaking or being spoken to
-listen attentively to class discussions and to answer questions appropriately on topic (practice being "powerful listeners")
-use good listening manners, such as raising your hand before speaking
We begin each day practicing many mathematical concepts during our "calendar time," including oral counting, sequencing, patterning, graphing, place value and basic addition and subtraction. This term, a unit on Shapes was covered and we celebrated 100 Days in Kindergarten with variety of number activities.
Students have been working towards the following concepts and skills:
-recognizing, describing, printing and using numbers from 1 to 20
-counting orally by 1's to 50 and by 10's to 100
-identifying and sorting shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval and diamond
-creating and interpreting information from a graph
Science is integrated with the themes of the Language Arts Curriculum and is usually explored during "Centres" time. This term, students were encouraged to:
-continue to develop observational skills through daily weather graphing of seasonal changes (Winter to Spring)
-carry out simple experiments (e.g., discovering how shadows are made, colour mixing, creating "ooblek")
Physical Development
Physical Education
Emphasis is placed on active participation in the gym and on the playground and developing positive attitudes towards physical activity. This term, students also had the opportunity to use gymnastics equipment in our gym.
Students worked towards:
-keeping control of equipment, such as a ball or bean bag
-exploring gymnastics equipment: safe and appropriate use, balance and body control
-creating and playing simple games
Aesthetic and Artistic Development
Visual Arts and Drama
This term, students were introduced to the following skills:
-exploring a variety of different roles, such as in the "house" (dramatic play centre) or whole group games and songs
-using various materials to create images with colour, background and detail ("big, bright and beautiful pictures")
-using materials appropriately and sharing clean up responsibilities
Kindergarten students visit our music teacher, one half hour each week. This term, students have been encouraged to dramatize the text of a song with actions. They have explored a variety of non-pitched and pitched instruments and have focused on keeping the beat steady. They are learining a number of music games which promote listening and group co-operation.
Emotional and Social Development and Social Responsibility
Personal Planning
We hold Class Meetings to provide students with a vocabulary and means of identifying and expressing their feelings. Our focus for the second term has been "Friendship". Students have been encouraged to :
-show a positive attitude towards learning
-demonstrate respect for others and to share, cooperate and work in a group
-take responsibility for personal belongings: backpacks, home reading bags, library books etc.
-follow classroom and school rules and routines
Social Studies
Social Studies is integrated with the themes of the Language Arts Curriculum. This term, students were encouraged to:
-present information by speaking, drawing pictures and beginning writing
-participate in problem-solving