
Gabriel 十岁,从出生到现在,每次的疫苗注射都是按照医生的嘱咐,来打疫苗的,而下一次按照疫苗计划,是要到六年级才需要。


故事是这样的,其实去年一月的时候,学校就有邮件通知,说需要在省政府的卫生部门所提供的一个疫苗记录的核对系统中自检,就是把孩子的姓名和 MSP 卡号输入,可以核对他们保存的孩子疫苗注射记录的完整与否。如果有问题,把父母自己保存到疫苗记录上传到卫生局,他们会人工核对,若有需要,会联系父母。


Letter to Parents - BCs Vaccination Status Reporting Regulation Sept 3 2021 (002).pdf

You can use the online Vaccination Status Indicator Tool at https://immunizebc.ca/vaccination-status-indicator to check if your child's immunization record is incomplete or missing. The Indicator tells you if your child's immunization record is on file with public health but does not provide any details about their immunization status or history. Health authority public health units already have immunization information on file for most children.
o If the Vaccine Status Indicator shows that your child's immunization records are up-to-date, then you do not need to take further action.
o If the Vaccine Status Indicator shows that your child's immunization records are pending, no action is required at this time. These records are in the process
of being inputted into the system and may take some time to be entered.
o If the Vaccine Status Indicator shows that your child's immunization records are incomplete, this means either public health does not have your child's records or your child needs additional immunizations. If your child has been immunized by a health care provider outside of public health, particularly in the last 18 months, you need to contact those providers and ask for a copy of your child's immunization record. Please follow the instructions below to submit these records to public health.



因为我自己按照加拿大BC省现在的规定,从出生到10岁的疫苗都已经打过了。我很确定。这是接种时间表immunization-infants-children-c.pdf。我仔细核对,只有一种轮状病毒疫苗没有打过,不过这种疫苗是 Gabriel 出生后几年才加入到免疫计划之中的。没打是很正常的,也不需要补打,因为已经过了得病的年龄了。

接下来就是重点的,不久我接到了 Fraser 卫生局的电话,核对资料后,告诉我,我家儿子是有一剂疫苗打的时间不对,需要补打。


我查了医疗文献,限于医学知识的缺乏,只找到这篇文章。根据这篇文章,找到了《加拿大免疫指南》的关于水痘疫苗的部分,的确说明了要在注射 MMR 疫苗后,至少隔四周,最好六周之后,在注射水痘疫苗,或者呢用 MMRV 四合一疫苗,就同时注射了,没有问题。



