MovableType 3.31 发布了

这一次,MovableType准时发布了,正如Jay Allen七月九号的留言,说是星期二,我也一直守候着这个发布,直到昨天晚上11点,这个新版MovableType发布了,不是预想中的3.3版而是3.31版,我想一定在最后关头有些什么修改,才有了这个0.01的小版本号。

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.

详细的过程请参见Http Header Error again in MovableType 3.31


Tags: Describe your entries with tags so readers can easily find any content and subscribe to custom feeds.

Widgets: Arrange and manage your page just by dragging and dropping. Widgets can include your own content or content from other web services and feeds.

Activity Feeds: Reduce the burden of managing your blog by getting all the updates on comments and feedback on your blog, along with your blog's activity, delivered via a secure custom feed.

New Blog Styles: Customize the look of your site with just a few clicks, without editing any HTML. Choose from dozens of unique designs and layouts.

Powerful Templating Language: Movable Type's industry-leading template language is more powerful than ever, letting you choose exactly which content you want to display on your pages, as well as how it's presented. Customize your entire site without having to do any programming.

