试用过几次微软的Malicious Software Removal Tool。链接地址
The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool checks computers running Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 for infections by specific, prevalent malicious software--including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom--and helps remove any infection found. When the detection and removal process is complete, the tool displays a report describing the outcome, including which, if any, malicious software was detected and removed.
Microsoft releases an updated version of this tool on the second Tuesday of each month. New versions are available through this Web page, Windows Update, and the Microsoft Download Center.
No malicious software was detected.
To help avoid infection in the future, visit the Protect Your PC site.
Win32/Bagle Not Infected.
Win32/Berbew Not Infected.
Win32/Bropia Not Infected.
Win32/Doomjuice Not Infected.
Win32/Gaobot Not Infected.
Win32/Goweh Not Infected.
Win32/Hackdef Not Infected.
Win32/Korgo Not Infected.
Win32/Mimail Not Infected.
Win32/Msblast Not Infected.
Win32/Mydoom Not Infected.
Win32/Nachi Not Infected.
Win32/Netsky Not Infected.
Win32/Randex Not Infected.
Win32/Rbot Not Infected.
Win32/Sasser Not Infected.
Win32/Sober Not Infected.
Win32/Sobig Not Infected.
Win32/Zafi Not Infected.
Win32/Zindos Not Infected.